Welcome to 174 Wagner Street
Sela lived on Wagner Street,
One hundred and seventy-four.
The shiny painted numbers
Hung above the Blue's front door.

The Mayor of
In a section of this town on the south shore of the bay, were the quaintest little streets named in a most unusual way.
The first mayor of the place (who knows when, and who knows why) thought composers' names for streets would be a novel thing to try.
So the village was soon built and the charming streets were made; forever linked to music by the names of those who played.
Sela lived on Wagner Street,
One hundred and seventy-four.
The shiny painted numbers
Hung above the Blue's front door.
Wagner Street was Sela's world, the only place she knew.
Each day was full of magic for our six-year-old Sela Blue.
Sela had two sisters,
And their names? Well can you guess?
Miss Susie and Miss Sophie Blue;
Two names that start with "S"!
Mom and Dad chose Chateauguay,
A place so full of charm.
Their daughters would grow up there,
In the care of loving arms.
Sela had a dolly
And her name was Lucy Loo.
She was never left behind
Like a fourth young Lady Blue.
Best Friend
Best Friend
Store Owner
Jolin's mom
School Bus Driver
Neighbour's Pet
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$19.95 CDN $14.95 USD £12.95 €13.95